In 2010 Sukacita Foundation was founded by Marieke Nijland,
Mila van der Meer and Yolanda Onderwater.
Our intention is equal to the title of our book: Unique Child.
“Every child is unique, with or without an intellectual disability.”
Founders (from left to right): Marieke Nijland, Yolanda Onderwater, Mila van der Meer
This is the message we want to share. In Indonesia children with intellectual disabilities are often still described as stupid or dumb. These children deserve to be seen as unique children who can open our eyes to a new perspective on the world…
…A world where these children teach us to use our creativity.
…A world where these children show us that happiness comes from the heart.
…A world where theory, knowledge and materials are not necessarily the top priorities.
Sukacita Foundation operated in Indonesia from 2010 to 2018. During that time, Sukacita held numerous workshops in schools and organisations on various islands. The workshops were attended by diverse groups of people including parents, grandparents, teachers, caregivers, nurses and psychologists.
The name Sukacita Foundation will disappear, but the term Anak Unik (unique child) will persist.
Collaboration partners Sukacita Foundation Cok Jaya Lesmana, Yolanda Onderwater, Prof. Luh Ketut Suryani, Marieke Nijland,
Jango Pramartha, Mila van der Meer, Gusti Putu Parmiti.
Foundation Sukacita could not do this alone. We are grateful for the collaboration with our Indonesian partner the Suryani Institute for Mental Health (SIMH). For more information about their activities: